Editorial Preface
Contents of Number 1
Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on Growth and Physiological Responses
of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) under Salt Stress
Emad Y. Bsoul,
Sabreen A. Othman, Abdul Latief A. Al-Ghzawi and Muhannad I.
Massadeh |
In-Silico Study on Allicin Compound in Garlic (Allium Sativum) as A
Potential Inhibitor of Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
(Her)-2 Positive Breast Cancer
Ardyarini Dyah
Savitri, Hanik Badriyah Hidayati, Lysa Veterini, Meidyta Sinantryana
Widyaswari, Akbar Reza Muhammad, Ainiyah Fairus, Mohammad Qoimam
Bilqisthi Zulfikar, Mega Astri, Nosa Abdellah Ramasima, Dini Putri
Anggraeni, Reghina Salsabila Ayuantia Nainatika, Juliana |
Oxidative and Histological Effects of Herbicide Glufosinate-Ammonium
and Cyanobacteria Extracted Anatoxin-a on Land Snails Monacha
Radwa M. Said, Asmaa H. Al-Badwy,
Aya A. Mohamed |
Concomitant Administration of L-carnitine and Performing
High-Intensity Interval Training Effects on the Genes Involved in
Mitochondrial Fusion and Apoptosis in Rat Liver
Shahouzehi, Yaser Masoumi-Ardakani, Hossein Fallah, Soheil
Aminizadeh |
Species Diversity of Freshwater Microalgae in Dramaga, Bogor Based on Morpho-ecological Identification between Low and High Light
Intensity Environment
Miftahul Huda
Fendiyanto, Mentari Putri Pratami, Rizky Dwi Satrio , Isna Arofatun
Nikmah, Nastiti Intan Permata Sari, Mo Awwanah, Nadya Farah,
Nurhadiyanta |
Calcium Nitrate Toxicity on Rat Liver and Kidney Functions: A
Biochemical and Histopathological Evaluation
Araar Samia,
Khaldi Fadila, Sayah Sarra , Chaib Sakina and Gheid Abdelhak |
Astragalus sarcocolla Gum-mediated a Novel Green-synthesis of
Biologically Active Silver-Nanoparticles with Effective Anticancer
and Antimicrobial activities
Abeer A. Abd
El Aty , Shifaa O. Alshammari, Reem M. Alharbi, Ahmed AF. Soliman
Localized Depletion
of Drosophila Upf1 and Upf2 in the Central Nervous System Leading to
Anatomical Defects of the CNS of the Embryo and Larva
Sanusi Ahmed
Jega , Ahmed Adebowole Adedeji, Marta Vicente-Crespo |
ability of Lactobacillus helveticus -13 (Lh-13) Isolate Isolated
from Lactic Acid Products to form A biofilm by Applying Modern
Microscopy Methods
Amirkhanova, Saule Akhmetova, Samat Kozhakhmetov, Almagul
Kushugulova, Rahat Bodeeva, Leila Ahvlediani , Anara Turmukhambetova |
Characterization of Newly Immobilized Mannanase on Activated
Chitosan Beads and Its Applications
Siham, A.
Ismail ; Shaimaa, A. Nour ; Mohamed, E. Hassan ; Nivien, A. Abosereh
; Om Kalthoum, H. Khattab, Amany; A. Abo-Elnasr; Mohamed M. I. Helal
and Amal, M. Hashem |
Optimization of the
Process of Reducing the Bitterness of Bitter Melon with Response
Surface Methodology
Rohajatien , Teti Estiasih, Mazarina Devi, Soenar Soekopitojo, Aly
Imron Norfezah Binti Md Nor4, Luqman Ali Shah ,Roy Hendroko
Setyobudi and Damat Damat |
Therapeutic Potential of Ginger Extract on the Embryotoxicity and
Nephrotoxicity Induced by Labetalol in Rat Fetuses
Hend T. El-Borm,
Marwa S. Gobara, Gamal M. Badawy |
Evaluation of Partitioned Ethanol Extract of Calotropis procera Leaf
in Wistar Rats
Nafiu, Mikhail
Olugbemiro,Ogunsola, Ibukun James |
Antioxidative, Anticancer and Hepatoprotective of Quercetin
Nanoparticles In-vitro and In-vivo
Uzma A
Faridi,Nahla S Zidan, Fahad M. Almutairi , Adel I. Alalawy,
Hebatallah H. Atteia, Yahya S.Al-Awthan , Md. Qussen Akhtar, Mohamed
I. Sakran |
Cultivation of
Edible Ectomycorrhizal Mushrooms (Phelobopus portentosus) Associated
with Sesbania javanica Miq
Yuwa-amornpitak, Luchai Butkhup, Pa-Nag Yeunyaw,Kannika
Chookietwattana |
Detection and Epidemiological Features of Human Coronaviruses in
Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis in Northern Jordan
Mamdoh M.
Meqdam, Malak I. Abusamha, Asem M. Alkhateeb , Ziad M. Bataineh ,
Khadija F. Maho, and Ayat M. Gogazeh
Assessment on Drought Stress Resistance, Salinity Endurance, and
Indole Acetic Acid Production Potential of Dryland-Isolated Bacteria
Henik Sukorini,
Ellynda Retno Tiana Putri, Erny Ishartati, Sufianto Sufianto, Roy
Hendroko Setyobudi, Nguyen Ngoc Huu, and Sawita Suwannarat |
Epstein-Barr Virus Genotypes and Phylogeny among Cancer Patients in
Sana'a City, Yemen
Anas Ahmed Al-Mahbashi,
Abdul-Raoof Alshawkany, Khalid Mohammed Naji, Saeed Munassar
Alghalibi, Qais Yusuf Abdullah, Eshraq Ahmed Al-Khalqi |
Leaf Blade Growth
and Development in Red, Pink, and Yellow Petiole Cultivars of the
Swiss Chards Grown in Floating Culture System
Lakitan, Susilawati Susilawati, Andi Wijaya, Rofiqoh Purnama Ria,
Strayker Ali Muda
Effects of Dietary
Lysine for River Catfish Juveniles on Protein Digestibility and Body
Rachmawati, Istiyanto Samidjan, Dewi Nurhayati, Putut Har Riyadi,
Roy Hendroko Setyobudi, and Olga Anne
Contents of Number 2
Characterization of Qualitative and Quantitative Traits of
Four Types of Indonesian Native Chickens as Ancestor of New Strains
of Local Super Laying Hens
Suyatno Suyatno, Sujono Sujono, Aris Winaya , Lili Zalizar and Mulyoto Pangestu |
Response of Some Cassava Clones to Red Mite - Tetranychus urticae
Sri Wahyuni Indiati, Kartika Noerwijati, Sumartini Sumartini, and Nguyen van Minh |
Morphometric Diversity and Genetic Relationship of “Bangkok” Chicken
(Thai Game Fowl) in East Java, Indonesia
Aris Winaya, Deni Insan Fahmiady, Suyatno Suyatno, Abdul Malik, Ali Mahmud, and Ravindran Jaganathan |
Inhibitory Effect of Partially Purified Compounds from Pomegranate
Peel and Licorice Extracts on Growth and Urease Activity of
Helicobacter pylori
Sereen M.B. Bataineh, Bara’ah A. Abu Dalo, Bayen S. Mahawreh, Homa Darmani and Abdul-Karim J. Sallal |
Agronomic Characters and Quality of Fruit of Salak cv. Gulapasir
Planted in Various Agro-Ecosystems
I Ketut Sumantra, I Ketut Widnyana, Ni Gusti Agung Eka Martingsih, I Made Tamba, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani, Ida Ekawati, Maizirwan Mel, and Peeyush Soni |
Impact of Maternal Exposure to Lead Acetate before Pregnancy Through
Lactation Period on the Testicular histomorphologic Indices of Male
Offspring of Wistar Rats, A Stereological Study
Ehsan Roomiani , Hassan Morovvati, Saeid Keshtkar, Sareh Najaf Asaadi, Shaker Shayestehnia and Arash alaeddini |
Bioefficacy of Bacillus cereus and its Three Mutants by UV
Irradiation Against Meloidogyne incognita and Gene Expression in
Infected Tomato Plants
Gazeia M. Soliman, Sameh M. El-Sawy, Rasha G.Salim, Ghada M. El-Sayed and Walaa A. Ramadan
Protective Effect of Ziziphus Spina-christi Leaf Extract: In vitro
and in Vivo Models
Omar F. Khabour , Karem H. Alzoubi, Ahmad S. Alkofahi, Rafat M. Al-Awad |
Induced Toxicty and Bioaccumulation of Chromium (VI) in Cluster
Bean: Oxidative Stress, Antioxidative Protection Strategy,
Accumulation and Translocation of Certain Nutrient
Kamlesh Kumar Tiwari, Manoj Kumar Bidhar, Naveen Kumar Singh |
Antifungal and
Antiamoebic Activities, Cytotoxicity, and Toxicity of Aqueous and
Ethanolic Extracts of Propolis Produced by Brunei Stingless Bees
Nadzirah Zullkiflee, Fatimah Hashim, Hussein Taha, Anwar Usman |
Chemical and
Functional Properties of Myofibrillar Protein from Selected Species
of Trash Fish
Choirul Anam, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum, Noor Harini, Damat Damat,Roy Hendroko Setyobudi, Ahmad Wahyudi, Agustia Dwi Pamujiati,
Nita Kuswardhani Yuli Witono, Rusli Tonda, Hendro Prasetyo, Ida Ekawati, Endang Dwi Purbajanti, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile, Taavi Liblik, Ahmad Fauzi,Hadinoto Hadinoto,
Nico Syahputra Sebayang,
Eni Suhesti,Asgami Putri, and Fasal Munsif |
Biogenic Synthesis of Chitosan/Silver Nanocomposite by Escherichia
coli D8 (MF062579) and its Antibacterial Activity
Mohamed M. El-Zahed, Zakaria A. M. Baka, Mohamed I. Abou-Dobara, and Ahmed K.A. El-Sayed |
Plastic Particles
in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Some Commercial Fish Species
Inhabiting in the Gulf of Bejaia, Algeria
Z. Zeghdani, S. Mehdioui, Y. Mehdioui, R. Gherbi and Z. Ramdane |
Peptides from Casein Extend the Survival Rate and Protect Drosophila
melanogaster from Oxidative Stress Via Interacting with the
Keap1-Nrf2 Pathway
Idris Zubairu Sadiq, Babangida Sanusi Katsayal, Rashidatu Abdulazeez, Odunola Safiyyah Adedoyin,Yakubu Fatimat Omengwu, Abdullahi Garba Usma |
The Impact of
Selected Ecological Factors on the Growth and Biochemical Responses
of Giza Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Seedlings
Mohammad Abo Gamar, Riyadh Muhaidat, Tareq Fhely, Fatima Abusahyoun, and Taghleb Al-Deeb |
Investigation of Seagrass-Associated Fungi as Antifouling Candidates
with Anti-Bacterial Properties
Wilis Ari Setyati, Sri Sedjati, Alun Samudra, and Dafit Ariyanto
Moringa oleifera (Lam) Root Extracts Elevate Catecholamine Levels in
Experimental Rats: Potential Role of Ethnopharmacology in Combating
Depressive Conditions
Auwal Adamu, Mahmoud S. Jada, Umar Saidu, Yahaya I. Usha, Emmanuel G. Favour and Mohammed N. Shuaibu |
Carbon Footprint Calculation of Net CO2 in Agroforestry and
Agroindustry of Gayo Arabica Coffee, Indonesia
Rahmat Pramulya, Tajuddin Bantacut, Erliza Noor, Mohamad Yani, Moh Zulfajrin, Yudi Setiawan, Heru Bagus Pulunggono, Sudrajat Sudrajat, Olga Anne, Shazma Anwar,
Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani, Kiman Siregar, Hendro Prasetyo, Soni Sisbudi Harsono, Elida Novita, Devi Maulida Rahmah, Nguyen Ngoc Huu, Devi Agustia, and Maya Indra Rasyid |
Effects of Unripe Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota) Fruit Extract Through
Inflammatory Cytokine Regulation in Type 1 Diabetic Mice
Fikriya Novita Sari, Rizky Senna Samoedra, Setyaki Kevin Pratama, Sri Rahayu, Aris Soewondo, Yoga Dwi Jatmiko, Muhammad Halim Natsir2, Hideo Tsuboi, Muhaimin Rifa’i
Activity of lactic
acid-producing Streptomyces strain CSK1against Staphylococcus aureus
Activity of lactic acid-producing Streptomyces strain CSK1against Staphylococcus aureus
fragilis Induce Apoptosis and subG1/G1 Arrest Via Caspase and Nrf2
Signaling Pathways in HT-29 Cell Line
Samin Loniakan, Aras Rafiee, Alireza Monadi
Effects of
Spirulina on Some Oxidative Stress Parameters and Endurance Capacity
in Regular and Strenuous Exercises
Mehmet OZ, Hakkı GOKBEL
Contents of Number 3
Extraction, Characterization, Amino Acid Profile of Halal Gelatin from Kampong and Broiler Chicken Feet Skin
Noor Harini, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum, Swastika Tri Aji Wulandari, Vritta Amroini Wahyudi , Asad Jan, and Irum Iqrar |
Molecular Simulations of Moringa oleifera Phytochemicals as Potential Antagonists of the Proinflammatory NF-kB p50 Transcription Factor
Meriem F.
Kathleen Cole C. Tung, Romeric F. Pobre, Glenn G. Oyong |
Diversity and Seasonal Variation of Fish Assemblages of Dingapota Haor an Eutrophic Wetland of Northeastern Bangladesh
Md. Nahiduzzaman, Ehsanul Karim, Md. Nazmul Hossen, Nazia Naheen Nisheeth and Yahia Mahmud |
Moderately Thermophilic Bacteria from Jordanian Hot Springs as Possible Sources of Thermostable Enzymes and Leukemia Cytotoxic Agents
Maher Obeidat , Belal Al-Shomali |
First Record of the Scorpion Vachoniolus globimanus (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from Jordan
Bassam Abu Afifeh, Mohammad Al-Saraireh and Zuhair S. Amr |
GC-MS Analysis of Various Crude Extracts from the Leaves, Flowers, and Stems of Datura metel Linnaeus 1753 and the Potential Activity as Anesthetic Agents on Fish
Rindhira Humairani , Nanda Rizki Purnama, Herpandi Herpandi, Mochamad Syaifudin, Ilham Zulfahmi, Yusrizal Akmal, Muliari Muliari, Agung Setia Batubara |
The Effect of 17β-Estradiol and Genistein on the Prostate Gland and Testes of Aged Rats
Falah Shidaifat , Mohammed Khalifeh and Yousef Yasin
Immunomodulatory Properties of Citrus limon Extracts on BALB/c Mouse Lymphoid and Myeloid Lineage Cells
Wira Eka Putra, Ken Retno Puspaningrum, Arief Hidayatullah, Muhaimin Rifa’i |
Heavy Metals Effect on the Rat Uterus and Effectiveness of Vitamin E Treatment
Sikora K, Lyndin M, Sikora V, Hyriavenko N, Piddubnyi A, Lyndina Y, Awuah WA, Abdul-Rahman T, Korobchanska A, Alexiou A, Romaniuk A |
Heavy metal contamination and potential health risk assessment associated with selected farmed fish in Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Jibon Kumar Ghosh, Md. Shahidul Islam, Md. Tariqul Islam, Md. Mahedul Islam Murad and Md. Mahabubur Rahman |
Comparative Analysis of Cichorieae Tribe (Asteraceae) Chloroplast Genomes: Insight to Structure, Repetitive DNA, and Phylogeny
Rubar Hussein M. Salih |
Biochemical Profile of Five Species of Cultured Marine Microalgae1
Teja. Gurugubelli, Yedukondala Rao. Poturaju and Rukmini Sirisha. Imandi |
A Histological Examination of the Sublethal Effects of Methyl Parathion on the Liver, Gills and Gonads of Alburnus tarichi (Güldenstädt, 1814)
Ertuğrul KANKAYA and Güler ÜNAL |
Formulated Hand Sanitizer Utilizing Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis) Leaf Extract as an Active Ingredient
Cabral, Daisy Anne M., Hernandez, Marianne D., Martinez, Leslie Ann B.and Sangalang, Reygan H. |
Telmisartan Enhances the Accumulation of Doxorubicin as a Combination Therapy for the Management of Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Wala’a Al.Safadi, Belal Omar Al-Najjar, MoathAlqaraleh, Anas Ibrahim Abed, Walhan Alshaer, Dana Alqudah, Fadwa Daoud,Razan Mohammad Obeidat, Obada Abdulmalek Sibai, Zainab Zaki Zakaraya |
Streptomyces–Alginate Beads Formula Promote Maize Plant Growth and Modify the Rhizosphere Microbiome
Okto Asriatno, Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, Rika Indri Astuti, Aris Tri Wahyudi
Contents of Number 4
of Bioactive Compounds from Jamblang (Syzygium Cumini) And Hanjeli (Coix
Lacryma-JobiL.) Essential Oils As SARS-COV-2 Antivirus Targeting NSP5
And ACE2 Receptors
Diky Setya
Diningrat , Ayu Nirmala Sari, Kusdianti , Novita Sari Harahap
Protective Effects of Secoisolariciresinol Diglucoside on
Arsenic-induced Renal Damage and Oxidative Stress in Rats
Tareq Nayef
AlRamadneh, Muhannad I. Massadeh,Rania Algroom,Hashem A
Abu-Harirah,Kawther Faisal Amawi,Nada S. Daifalla,Hammad Khalifeh
Aldal'in, Razan N. AlQuraan,Rajesh Javaraiah
Virus Resistance in Transgenic Petunia with Heterologous ZRNase II gene
Olga Ovcharenko,
Andrii Potrokhov, Daria Sosnovska, Yuliya Hoysyuk, Olha Yaroshko,
Tetiana Shevchenko, Iryna Budzanivska, Volodymyr Rudas, Mykola Kuchuk
Exome Sequencing in Intellectual Disability Patients Identifies de novo
Mutations in KCNB1, SHANK2, and SYNGAP1 Genes and a Novel Mutation in
Asem M Alkhateeb,
Miral Almomani, and Hani H Hammad
on Toxicity and Peptic Ulcer Healing Potential of Crude Extract of
Osbeckia crinita in Swiss Albino Mice
Sanchayeeta Roy,
Bishnupada Roy
Comprehensive Characterization and Expression Profiling of the GATA
Transcription Factor in Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Suggests Their
Potential Roles in Taproot Development and Biotic Stress Response
Le Thi Man, Phi
Bang Cao, Thi Thanh Huyen Tran, Nguyen Quoc Trung, Dong Huy Gioi, Ninh
Thi Thao, Quynh Thi Ngoc Le, Hong Viet La, Thi Xuan Quyen Vu, Ha Duc Chu
Silver Nanoparticles by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Reduce Expression of
Biofilm and Quorum Signaling Genes in Multi-drug Resistant Acinetobacter
Talar Ibrahim
Hasan & Akhter Ahmed Ahmed
Effects of Reducing
Browning on the Somatic Embryogenesis of Coffea arabica
Hongwiangchanand Noppamart Lokkamlue
Calculi Composition in Alkaptonuria: Insights on Etiology
Nesrin Riad Mwafi
, Amjad Asri Al-Tarawneh, Ibrahim Naji Tarawneh , Mohannad Fayiz Alqedrh
, Ahmad Ibrahim Alsbou' ,Lekaa Ja'far Al Mughrabi F , Ali Mohammad
Khlaifat, Muhamad Odeh Al-Limoun ,Khaled Mohammad khleifat
Proximate Composition,
Fatty Acid Profile, and Microplastic Contamination of Edible Odonate
Larvae (Aeshnidae: Anax sp.) in Rice Fields
Maneechan, Taeng On Prommi
Assessing the
Immunomodulatory and Hepatoprotective Activities of Aqueous Tuber
Extract of Typhonium flagelliforme (Lood) Blume in BALB/c Mouse
Wira Eka Putra,
Anis Fatayatil Insani, Desi Nurhayati, Arief Hidayatullah, Muhaimin
Evaluation of Antifungal Potential of Mentha pulegium Essential oil in
Biological Control Against the Pathogen of Inflorescence Rot Disease of
Date Palm (Mauginiella scaettae)
Hammia Hadjra,
Bouatrous Yamina, Kriker Soulef , Ramazan Erenler
Cloning and
Characterization of Terpene synthase 3 (SoTPS3) Gene from Leaves of
Garden Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Mohammed Ali,
El-ramah, F. A., Esraa A. Elsherbeny, Mohamed N.S. Suliman, Mokhtar Said
Association between Vitamin D Deficiency, Obesity, and Insulin
Resistance among the Jordanian Population
Raed A. Halalsheh
, Linda A. Soufan, and Hosam J. Al-Tamimi
The Growth Response and
Digestive Enzyme Activity of Juvenile African Catfish (Clarias
gariepinus) Exposed to Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) Spectral
Gabriel A. Dedeke,
Festus O. Kehinde and Ife A. George
Generation and
Evaluation of Gold-binding Peptide Fused Protein A
Doan-Tran, Thanh-Tan Nguyen, and Hieu Tran-Van
Evaluating the Mood and Memory-enhancing Effects of Punicagranatum Seeds
(Pomegranate)Extract using an Animal Model
Esam Y. Qnais, Omar Gammoh, Mohammed Alqudah
Extraction of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Candida albicans Biofilm and
Studying their Cytotoxic Effects on Human Lymphocytes
Batol Imran Dheeb
, Sara Najim Abdulla , Safaa AL-Deen Ahmed Shanter AL-Qaysi , Basma
M.Al-Sarraj ,Mohammed Sami Farhan

