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JJBS Volume 12

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Number 1

Number 2

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Number 5



Editorial Preface


Contents of Number 1

A Comparative Anatomical and Epidermal Analysis of Physalis angulata L. and Physalis micrantha L. (Solanaceae)

Chimezie Ekeke, Gordian C. Obute and Chinedum A. Ogazie

The Effects of the Aqueous Extracts of Elaeis guineensis Fruits on the Lipid Profile and Kidney Function Indices of Male Wistar Albino Rats

Robert I. Uroko, Oluomachi N. Uchenna, Ngozi K. Achi, Amarachi Agbafor, Simeon I. Egba and Chidiogo A. Orjiakor

Phenolic Compounds, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Rhus flexicaulis Baker

Mohamed  Abdel-Mawgoud, Fawzy G. Khedr and Enas I. Mohammed

Induced Morphological and Chromosomal Diversity in the Mutagenized Population of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) Using Single and Combination Treatments of Gamma Rays and Ethyl Methane Sulfonate

Ruhul Amin, Mohammad Rafiq Wani, Aamir Raina, Shahnawaz Khursheed and Samiullah Khan

Pyocyanin and Biofilm Formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Burn Infections in Baghdad, Iraq

Maha  M . Khadim  and Mohammed F. AL Marjani

In- vitro Phytotoxic Effects of Cadmium on Morphological Parameters of Allium cepa

Nidhi Didwania, Swati Jain and Deepti Sadana

Investigating the Antimicrobial Potential of in- vitro Grown Microshoots and Callus Cultures of Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam.

Majd M. Al-Saleh, Rida A. Shibli, Hamzah M. Al-Qadiri, Reham W. Tahtamouni, Maysaa M. Darwish and Tamara S. Al- Qudah

Contact and Fumigant Toxicity of Uvaria afzelli (Scott) against Plodia interpunctella (Hubner) Infesting Maize Grains in Nigeria

Folasade K. Olufemi-Salami, Joseph O. Akinneye and Olufemi S. Salami

The Role of Homogenate Hepatic Tissue in Myogenesis

Raith A. S. Al-Saffar and Mohammad K. M. Al-Wiswasy

IgA Nephropathy in Northern Jordan: Evaluation Using the MEST-C Score of Oxford Classification System

Najla H. Aldaoud, Bayan A. Alzumaili, Raya D. Marji, Muna M. Alhusban, Hadil Y. Zureigat,  Ashraf O. Oweis and Ismail I. Matalka

The Importance of Foliar Anatomy in the Taxonomy of the Genus Alocasia (Schott) G. Don

Oluwabunmi O. Arogundade and Olubukola Adedeji

Investigation of rs121918356 and rs121918355 LTBP2 Mutations and LTBP2 Serum Levels in Primary Congenital Glaucoma in a Sample of Iraqi Children

Salwa H. N. Al-Rubaꞌei, Suzanne Jubair, Ali N. M. Al-Sharifi and Mohanned M. B. Al-Moosawi

Mathematical Prediction of Nucleic Acids 3-D Structures Using Inter-Spin Distances and Nonlinear Least Squares Analysis

Samer I. Awad

Association of Genetic Variants of Enzymes Involved in Folate / One-Carbon Metabolism with Female Breast Cancer in Jordan

May F. Sadiq, Nadia M. Abu Issa, Montaser O. Alhakim, Almuthanna K. Alkaraki, Omar F. Khabour, Rami J. Yaghan and Mohammed Y. Gharaibeh

The Role of the Overexpression of Suaeda maritima Choline Monooxygenase and Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase cDNAs in the Enhancement of Salinity Tolerance in Different Strains of E.coli

Shrikanth Saraswathi Krishnamurthi, Sindhu Kuttan, Sankararamasubramanian Meenakshisundram, Thajuddin Nooruddin and Ajay Parida

Parentage Analysis of the Progenies of the Reciprocal Crosses of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878) and Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) using Cytochrome b Gene

Okomoda V. Tosin, Koh I. C. Chong, Hassan Anuar, Amornsakun Thumronk and Shahreza Md Sheriff

Effects of Hypersaline Conditions on the Growth and Survival of Larval Red Drum-(Sciaenops ocellatus)

Irma Kesaulya and  Robert Vega


Contents of Number 2

A Comparison between CAPS and SCAR Markers in the Detection of Resistance Genes in some Tomato Genotypes against Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus anfiles\vol12\n2\Paper number 1.pdfd Whitefly

Sherin A. Mahfouze and Heba A. Mahfouze

Determination of the Immunogenic and Hematologic Effects of Titanium Nanoparticles Manufactured from  Aspergillus flavus in Vivo

Mohammed N. Maaroof and Asmaa E. Mahmood

Isolation of Blood Group Non-specific Lectin from Calotropis gigantean Seeds

Vishwanath B. Chachadi

A Morphological Study of the Pharmacological Effects of the Nigella sativa on the Reproductive System in Experimental Rats

Raith A. S. Al-Saffar and Mohammad K. M. Al-Wiswasy

First Record of the Cochineal Scale Insect, Dactylopius opuntiae (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Dactylopiidae), in Jordan

Ahmad M. Katbeh Bader and Asem H. Abu-Alloush

The Genotoxic Potential of Alugbati Leaf Extracts on MCF-7 Cells

Darcy L. Garza, Rechel G. Arcilla, Ma. Luisa D. Enriquez, Maria Carmen S. Tan and Marissa G. Noel

The Importance of Zinc-Mobilizing Rhizosphere Bacteria to the Enhancement of Physiology and Growth Parameters for Paddy under Salt-Stress Conditions

Yachana Jha

Life-History Traits of the Climbing perch Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792) in a Wetland Ecosystem

Dalia Khatun, Md. Yeamin Hossain, Md. Ataur Rahman, Md. Akhtarul Islam, Obaidur Rahman, Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Most. Shakila Sarmin, Most. Farida Parvin, Ahnaf Tausif Ul Haque, Zannatul Mawa  and Md. Akhtar Hossain and Olufemi S. Salami

Virtual Screening for Inhibitors Targeting the Rod Shape- Determining Protein in Escherichia coli

Mohammed Z. Al-Khayyat, Ammar Gh. Ameen and Yousra A. Abdulla

Antibiotic Resistance and Type III Exotoxin Encoding Genes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates from Environmental and Clinical Sources in Northern West Bank in Palestine

Ghaleb M. Adwan, Awni A. Abu-Hijleh and Ne'ma M. Bsharat

Estimation of Biometric Indices for Snakehead Channa punctata (Bloch, 1793) through Multi-model Inferences

Md. Alomgir Hossen, Alok Kumar Paul, Md. Yeamin Hossain, Jun Ohtomi, Wasim Sabbir, Obaidur Rahman, Julia Jasmin, Md. Nuruzzaman Khan, Md. Akhtarul Islam, Md. Ataur Rahman, Dalia Khatun and Sk. Kamruzzaman

Differential Expression for Genes in Response to Drought and Salinity in Ruta graveolens Plantlets

Sabah M. Hadi, Kadhim M. Ibrahim and Shatha I. Yousif

A Thermodynamic Study of Partially-Purified Penicillium humicola β-mannanase Produced by Statistical Optimization

Siham A. Ismail, Om Kalthoum H. Khattab, Shaimaa A. Nour , Ghada E. A. Awad, Amany A. Abo-Elnasr and Amal M. Hashem

Biological Control of Macrophomina phaseolina in Vigna mungo  L. by Endophytic Klebsiella pneumoniae HR1

Sampad Dey, Prajesh Dutta and Sukanta Majumdar

Effect of Temperature Constraints on Morphological and Cytogenetical Attributes in Cluster bean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.]

Girjesh Kumar and Shefali Singh

Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase Inhibition and RBC Abnormalities in Relation to Blood Lead among Selected Jordanian Workers.

Ziad A. Shraideh, Darwish H. Badran , Abdelrahim A. Hunaiti  and Abdelkader Battah

Analysis and Characterization of Purified Levan from Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. cremoris and its Effects on Candida albicans Virulence Factors

Jehan A.S. Salman,  Hamzia A. Ajah and Adnan Y. Khudair


Contents of Number 3

Assessment of Satureja montana L. and Mentha piperita L. Antioxidant Activity, Cytotoxicity and Pattern of Apoptotic Gene Expression in Hepatoma Cells

 Aida I. El makawy,  Faten M. Ibrahim  and  Sekena H. Abdel-Aziem

Isolation, Cloning, and Sequence Analysis of the Full-Length RFT1 Gene from Malaysian Upland Rice (Oryza sativa, subsp. Indica, Cultivar Wai)

Sulaiman Mohammed, Azman Abd Samad and Zaidah Rahmat

Evaluation of Repellent Potential of Some Botanical Products against Cowpea Weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)

Ito E. Edwin and Anigboro O. Fidelis

Advanced and Rapid Serodiagnosis of Oestrosis (Oestrus ovis; Diptera: Oestridae) in Sheep Using Indirect and Dot-ELISA

Marwa M. Attia , Soliman M. Soliman and Nagla M.K. Saleh

Beta (β)-Carotene-Induced Effects on the Hepato-Biochemical Parameters in Wistar Rats Fed Dietary Fats

Getrude N. Okechukwu, Ofobuike B.  Nweke,  Alo J.  Nwafor, Akunna G. Godson, Ezemagu U.  Kenneth and Augustine O. Ibegbu

Phylogenetic Relationship among Some species of the Genera Lens, Vicia, Lathyrus and Pisum (Leguminosae) in Palestine

Ghadeer I. Omar, Maram M. Saqer and Ghaleb M. Adwan

Phylogenetic Relationships within the Tribe Hippotragini (Antilopinae: Bovidae) Based on Mitochondrial Genome

Taghi Ghassemi-Khademi and Seyed Massoud Madjdzadeh

Cloning of the Organophosphorus Hydrolase (oph) Gene and Enhancement of Chlorpyrifos Degradation in the Achromobacter xylosoxidans Strain GH9OP via Mutation Induction 

Ghada M. El-sayed, Nivien A. Abosereih, Samir A. Ibrahim, Ashraf B. Abd El-Razik, Maher A. Hammad and Fatma M. Hafez

Molecular Clarifications of Grapevine Identities in Algerian Germplasm Collections using Microsatellite Markers

Ziane Laiadi, Maha Rahali and Hanane Achour

A Comparative Study of Antibiotics and Probiotics against Pathogens Isolated from Coastal Shrimp Aquaculture System

Md. Reazul Karim and Faisal Hasan

The Efficacy of Alstonia boonei Stembark Oil as a Long-term Storage Protectant against Cowpea Bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

Ileke Kayode David

Molecular Characterization of Microbial Community Diversity Associated with Blood Cockles (Anadara granosa) in Blood Cockle Farms

Kamarul Z. Zarkasi, Ahmad A. A. Shukri, Teh F. Nazari, Amirul A. A. Abdullah and Feizal Daud

Exogenous Jasmonic Acid Induces Lead Stress Tolerance in Kidney Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) by Changing Amino Acid Profile and Stimulating Antioxidant Defense System

Hanan A. Hashem  and Nahla A. El-Sherif

Detection and Genotyping of SEN Virus among Patients with Hepatitis and Healthy Blood Donors from Baghdad, Iraq

Ealaf A. Khudair, Arwa M. Abdullah Al-Shuwaikh  and Nawal M. Farhan

Population Dynamics of the Naleh Fish Barbonymus sp. (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in Nagan River Waters, Aceh Province, Indonesia
Agung S. Batubara , Deni Efizon , Roza Elvyra and Zainal A. Muchlisin

The Effect of Rh2 Phenotype on Cytotoxic T- Cell Counts

Modisa S Motswaledi Ishmael Kasvosve and Oluwafemi O. Oguntibeju

Detection of ESBL and MBL in Acinetobacter spp. and Their Plasmid Profile Analysis

Md Fazlul K. Khan, Shah S. Rashid , Aizi Nor M. Ramli, Ukaegbu C. Ishmael and Mohammad Nazmul H. Maziz

Molecular Analysis and Phylogenetic Assessment of the Red Sea Fish of Plectropomus pessuliferus

Waleed Y. Gharbawi , Walaa Hussein  and Osama E. El-Sayed


Contents of Number 4

Protective Effects of the Aqueous Extract of Black Mulberry Leaves, Morus nigra, on Chlorpyrifos Toxicity in Male Albino Rats

AlaaEddeen M. Seufi , Hoda A Mohammed, Farouzina I Moussa, Ahmed A Seif El-Din, Muhammad El-Saadani, Tarek H. Taha and Elsayed E. Hafez

Photo-protective Measurements of Almond Oil on UVB-Irradiated Mouse’s Skin and Cyclin D1 Expression

Azad K. Saeed

The Effect of Salvia officinalis Extract on Alleviating Oxidative Stress and Hepatic Dysfunction Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Mice

Amina E. Essawy, Hawazin A. Lamfon, Abeer B. Al Harbi, Awatef M. Ali and Nahid A. Lamfon

The Insecticidal Activity of two Indigenous Plants (Zingiber officinales and Plumbago zeylanica) against Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky, 1985) of Stored Maize

Joseph O. Akinneye, Foluso A. Ologundudu and Ayodeji A. Adeodu

Investigation of the Antibacterial Activity of Silver and Zinc-Containing Solutions and Ag:ZnO Films Against some Pathogenic Bacteria

Mustafa S. Hashim, Mohammed F. Al Marjani , Hussein T. Saloom, Reem S. Khaleel , Zahraa A. Khadam and Aseel S. Jasim

Assessing the Role of Environmental Gradients on the Phytodiversity in Kharga Oasis of Western Desert, Egypt

Fawzy M. Salama , Monier M. Abd El-Ghani, Noha A. El-Tayeh, Ahmed M. Amro, Ali Al-Saied Gaafar and Ayat Abd El-Monem Abd El- Galil

Interspecific Hybridization Studies of Three Stachytarpheta Species from Nigeria

Damilola G. Solanke., Matthew Oziegbe and Sekinat O. Azeez

The Modulation of the Oxidative Stress Profile in Various Organs of Trypanosoma congolense-Infected Rats by Ellagic Acid

Mohammed A. Ibrahim, Auwal Adamu, Funmilola E. Audu, Mukhtar A. Suleiman, Rapheal Aminu, Abubakar B. Aliyu, Maryam Danfulani, Emmanuel J. Bakura, Samuel N. Tsako and Aminu Mohammed

The Antimicrobial Potential of Royal Jelly against some Pathogenic Bacteria and Fungi

Amal A. Al-Abbadi

Differences in Salinity Tolerance, Nutrient Concentrations, and Gene Expression among New Accessions of Lupinus albus L. under Greenhouse Conditions

Sherin A. Mahfouze , Dalia M. F. Mubarak, Heba A. Mahfouze and Adel Elshafei

Morphometric and Meristic Characteristics of the Asian Stinging Catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch, 1794): A Key for Identification

Md. Ataur Rahman, Md. Rabiul Hasan, Md. Yeamin Hossain, Md. Akhtarul Islam, Dalia Khatun, Obaidur Rahman, Zannatul Mawa, Md. Sahinoor Islam, Asma Afroz Chowdhury, Most. Farida Parvin and Halima Khatun

Clinical Relevance of LC3B, CXCL10, and Bcl-2 in Breast Cancer

Sara A. Youssry, Amina E. Hussein, Amel G. El-Sheredy, Rabie Ramadan and Heba G. El-Sheredy

Next Generation Approach of Biological Data Analysis through in silico Prediction and Analysis of Small ncRNA-RNA Interactions in Human Tissues

Imon Chakraborty and Shohini Chakraborty

A Study of the Environmental Impacts of the Gishori Industrial Complex on Plant Diversity in Tulkarm, Palestine

Ghadeer I. Omar and Suleiman I. AlKhalil

An Update on Freshwater Fishes of Saudi Arabia
Nashat A.-F. Hamidan and Mohammed Shobrak

Antibacterial Activities of Soil Bacteria Isolated from Hashemite University Area in Jordan

Muhannad I. Massadeh and Suha M. Mahmoud

The Effects of Chloride Position on the Aerobic Degradation of Chlorobenzoates by Klebsiella pneumoniae

Sameer Al Haj Mahmoud, Muayad Mehdi Abboud, Ashraf Khasawneh and Noor A. Mohammed

Repellency Effects of Essential Oils of Cymbopogon winterianus, Eucalyptus globulus, Citrus hystrix and their major Constituents against Adult German Cockroach (Blattella germanica Linnaeus (Blattaria: Blattellidae)

Kotchaphan Chooluck , Veerawat Teeranachaideekul , Anchalee Jintapattanakit , Pattamapan Lomarat and Chutima Phechkrajang


Contents of Number 5

Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria: An Emerging Method for the Enhancement of Wheat Tolerance against Salinity Stress-(Review)

Randa N. Albdaiwi, Hala Khyami-Horani and Jamal Y. Ayad

Evaluation of Pseudomonas fluorescens Extracts as Biocontrol Agents Against some Foodborne Microorganisms

Diaa A. Marrez, Gomaa N. Abdel-Rahman and Salah H. Salem

A Study of the Use of Deep Artificial Neural Network in the Optimization of the Production of Antifungal Exochitinase Compared with the Response Surface Methodology

Shaymaa A Ismail, Ahmed Serwa, Amira Abood, Bahgat Fayed, Siham A Ismail and Amal M Hashem

Reproductive Biology of Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas): A Decade after the Tsunami Disaster in Aceh, Indonesia

Lili Kasmini, Ternala A. Barus, M. Ali Sarong, Miswar Budi Mulya and Agung Setia Batubara

Morphometric and Meristic Characteristics of the Banded Gourami, Trichogaster fasciata (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) in a Wetland Ecosystem from Northwestern Bangladesh

Md. Ataur Rahman, Md. Shahinoor Islam, Md. Yeamin Hossain, Md. Rabiul Hasan, Md. Akhtarul Islam, Dalia Khatun, Obaidur Rahman, Most. Farida Parvin, Zannatul Mawa and  Asma Afroz Chowdhury

A Botanical Study and Estimation of Certain Primary Metabolites of Gymnocarpos decandrus Forssk

Seham S. El-Hawary, Mona M. Okba, Rehab A. Lotfy and Mahmoud M. Mubarek

Microhabitat Selection of Ectoparasitic Monogenean Populations of the Nile Catfish, Clarias gariepinus

Mohamed I. Mashaly, Ahmed M. El-Naggar, Ahmed E. Hagras and  Haidi A. Alshafei

An Evaluation of the Antioxidant Properties of Propolis against Fenvalerate-induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rats

Wael M. Alamoudi

In silico Detection of Acquired Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in 110 Complete Genome Sequences of Acinetobacter baumannii

Talal S. Salih and Raghad R. Shafeek

Thermal Manipulation during Broiler Chicken Embryogenesis Modulates the Splenic Cytokines’ mRNA Expression

Khaled M. Saleh and Mohammad B. Al-Zghoul

Lack of Association of Human Prostate Cancer with Exon 1 and -116 C/G Promoter Polymorphism on the X-Box DNA Binding Protein-1 Gene

Ahmad M. Khalil, Lulu H. Alsheikh Hussien, Ahmad Y. Alghadi, Rami S. Alazab, Ahmad Y. Alwuhoush, Mohammad A. Al-Ghazo and Najla H. Aldaoud

Molecular Identification and Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) Differentiation of Toxigenic Aspergillus Strains

Rasha G. Salim, Soher E-S. Aly, Nivien A. Abo-Sereh, Amal S. Hathout and Bassem A. Sabry

Biosorption Analysis and Penoxsulam Herbicide Removal Efficiency by Transgenic Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Overexpression the Cyanobacterial Enzyme Glutathione-s-transferase

Mostafa M. S. Ismaiel, Yassin M. El-Ayouty and Asmaa H. Al-Badwy

The Effectiveness of the Functional Components of Grape (Vitis vinifera) Pomace as Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, and Antiviral Agents

Alaa A. Gaafar, Mohsen S. Asker, Ali M.A. and Zeinab A. Salama

Re-evaluation of Molecular Phylogeny of the Subfamily Cephalophinae (Bovidae: Artiodactyla); with Notes on Diversification of Body Size

Taghi Ghassemi-Khademi and Kordiyeh Hamidi

The Role of the Dietary Supplementation of Fenugreek Seeds in Growth and Immunity in Nile Tilapia with or without Cadmium Contamination

Wafaa T. Abbas, Iman M.K. Abumourad, Laila A. Mohamed, Hossam H. Abbas, Mohammad M.N. Authman, Waleed S.E. Soliman and Mamdouh Y. Elgendy

First Record of the Western Conifer Seed Bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910 (Hemiptera, Coreidae), from Palestine

Elias N. Handal and Mazin B. Qumsiyeh

Salicylic Acid Modifies the Active Ingredients of Sour Orange

Khalid A. Khalid and Aisha M. A. Ahmed





