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JJBS Volume 13

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Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Supplementary Issue



Editorial Preface


Contents of Number 1

Determining the Response to Statins in Rat Aorta Using High Fat Diet

Nurullahoglu-Atalik KE, Yerlikaya Humeyra, Oz Mehmet  and Esen Hasan

Evaluation of Putative Inducers and Inhibitors toward Tyrosinase from two Trichoderma species

Hamed M. El-Shora and Reyad M. El-Sharkawy

Impact of Nanoparticles on Genetic Integrity of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)

Girjesh Kumar, Akanksha Srivastava and Rajani Singh

Chitinase of Marine Penicillium chrysogenum MH745129: Isolation, Identification, Production and Characterization as Controller for Citrus Fruits Postharvest Pathogens

Sherien M.M. Atalla, Nadia G. EL Gamal and Hassan M. Awad

Studying the Association of Genetic Polymorphism in FTO Gene with Maternal Obesity and Metabolic Phenotypes in a Sample of Iraqi Pregnant Women

Shahla O. Al-Ogaidi, Sura A. Abdulsattar and Hameed M. J. Al-Dulaimi

High Ability of Cellulose Degradation by Constructed E. coli Recombinant Strains

Mohamed S. Abdel-Salam , Wafaa K. Hegazy, Azhar A. Hussain , Hoda H. Abo-Ghalia and Safa S. Hafez

Sexual Ambiguity Diagnosis: cytogenetics and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)

Amine Bessaad , Yacef Sihem and Belaid AiT AbdelKader

Mixotrophic Cultivation of Coccomyxa subellipsoidea Microalga on Industrial Dairy Wastewater as an Innovative Method for Biodiesel Lipids Production

Hoda. H. Senousy and Sawsan Abd Ellatif

Determination of the Pigment Content and Antioxidant Activity of the Marine Microalga Tetraselmis suecica

Sri Sedjati, Delianis Pringgenies and Muhamad Fajri

Studies on five Silene L. Taxa in Saint Catherine Protectorate, South Sinai, Egypt

Sami H. Rabei , Reham M. Nada and Ibrahim EL Gamal

Antibacterial and Antibiofilm activities of Malaysian Trigona honey against Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145 and Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 19615

Mohammad A. Al-kafaween, Abu Bakar M. Hilmi, Norzawani Jaffar, Hamid A. N. Al-Jamal, Mohd K. Zahri and  Fatima I. Jibril

Estimation of Grape Seed Oil Alleviative Role on Cadmium Toxicity in Male Mice

Osama H.Elhamalawy and Aida I. El makawy

Process Optimization of Waste Corn Oil Hydrolysis Using Extracellular Lipase of Tritirachium oryzae W5H in Oil-Aqueous Biphasic System

Muhamad O. Al-limoun

Molecular and Biochemical Changes of Indole-3-Acetic Acid in Expanding Leaves of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under Salinity Stress

Amal M. Harb, Khaldoun J. AL-Hadid and Ahmad S. Sharab

Pitavastatin Enhances Doxorubicin-induced Apoptosis in MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells

Saeb H. Aliwaini, Tarek A. El-Bashiti and Khalid M. Mortaja

Effect of Cyper-diforce® Application and Variety on Major Insect Pests of Watermelon in the Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria

Okrikata Emmanuel, Ogunwolu E. Oludele and Odiaka N. Ifeoma

Yield and Nutrient Content of Sweet Potato in Response of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Inoculation and N Fertilization

Farzana Yasmin, Radziah Othman and Mohammad Nazmul Hasan Maziz

Evaluation of Antimicrobial and Genotoxic Activity of Ephedra foeminea Ethanolic and Aqueous Extracts on Escherichia coli

Shurooq M. Ismail, Ghaleb M. Adwan, and Naser R. Jarrar


Contents of Number 2

Acute Effect of Cadmium Chloride on Chromosomal Abnormalities in the Nile Tilapia Fish In Vivo

Bundit Tengjaroenkul  and Lamyai Neeratanaphan

Effects of Trigona honey on the Gene Expression Profile of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145 and Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 19615

Mohammad Abdulraheem Al-kafaween, Abu Bakar Mohd Hilmi, Norzawani Jaffar1, Hamid Ali Nagi Al-Jamal, Mohd Khairi Zahri, Malik Amonov, Bouacha Mabrouka and Nour A.Elsahoryi

Molecular Divergence of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Dogs and Cats

Mona A. Elshabrawy, Hussien A. Abouelhag, Eman A. Khairy , Hanan Sh. Marie and Ashraf S. Hakim

Development of SCAR Marker Linked to Begomovirus Resistance in Melon (Cucumis melo L.)

Yasir Sidiq, Aprilia Sufi Subiastuti, Wiko Arif Wibowo and Budi Setiadi Daryono

Phytotoxicity of Zinc-oxide Nanoparticles on Seedling Growth and Antioxidant Activity of Red gram (Cajanus cajan L.) Seed

K. V. Pavani, G. Sai Poojitha and M. Beulah

Antibacterial Activity and Chemical Composition of Arum hygrophilum Boiss Crude Extracts

Hatim M. Jaber , Khawla D. Al-Hamaideh., Hala I. Al-Daghistani , Nabil H. Amer , Moayyad N. Nassar , Saleh MH. Abd Al–Latif and Abdulameer HD. Al-Nuaimi

Leaf Morphology and Venation Patterns of Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae) in Egypt with Special Notes on Their Taxonomic Implications

Abdel Aziz A. Fayed, Mohamed S. Ahamed, Ahamed M. Faried and Mona H. Mohamed

Establishment of a Cutoff Value of Phenylalanine for Phenylketonuria among West Bank-Palestinian Neonates

Ibrahim A. Ghannam, Akram T. Kharroubi, Renad M. Mustafa, Sumaia M. Jamous, Shahd M. Almufreh and Nelly M. Othman

Immunomodulatory and Anti-Arthritic Activities of Stachys circinata.

Wassila Slimani,  Sakina Zerizer and Zahia Kabouche

Plasma MicroRNA-133a as a Potential Biomarker for Acute Coronary Syndrome

Heba F.  El Sayed Turky, Wafaa Abdel Latif E. Mohammed, Sally M.  Shalaby,  Rasha L. Etewa, Nader T. Kandil and Islam Galal

Diversity and Antimicrobial Activity of Endophytic Fungi from the Medicinal Plant Pelargonium graveolens (geranium) in Middle Egypt

Manal M. Yasser, Marym A. Marzouk, Nadia M. El-Shafey and Salwa A. Shaban

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Gene Polymorphism in Jordanian Type-1 and Type-2 Diabetic Patients

Ahmad Barghash, Samer I. Al-Gharabli , Malak Jweihan, Maisam Tanbouz, Esra’a AlBarahmieh, Eyad Hamad, Nafisah Al-Rifai, Hussam AlHawari and Lubna H. Tahtamouni

Effect of Edible Bird’s Nest Supplement on Hepato-renal Histomorphology of Rats Exposed to Lead Acetate Toxicity

Abdulla A.  Albishtue, Hazem Kareem Almhanna, Nurhusien Yimer, Md Zuki A. Zakaria, Abd Wahid Haron and Bahaa H. Almhanawi

Sexual Restiveness and Colouration between Partial Diallel Cross of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia 'GIFT' and UPM red Tilapia.

Oster F. Nwachi, Yuzine  Esa,Annie Christianus and Salleh M. Kamarudin

Micro RNA 192 Gene Expression and Pathogenesis of Nephrotic Syndrome in Egyptian Children

Faten Z. Mohamed , Doaa M. Youssef , Amal S. El-Shal  and Asmaa A. Abdelsalam

Temporal Variation of Relative Growth Pattern and Condition of Glossogobius giuris  (Hamilton, 1822) in the Garai River, SW Bangladesh

Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Md. Yeamin Hossain, Md. Rabiul Hasan, Zannatul Mawa, Md.  Ataur Rahman, Md. Akhtarul Islam, Asma Afroz Chowdhury, Obaidur Rahman, Md. Ashekur Rahman, Dalia Khatun and Most. Farida parvin

Therapeutic and Prophylactic Efficacy of Garden Cress Seed Oil against Osteoporosis in Rats

Aida I, El makawy, Dalia M. Mabrouk, Faten M. Ibrahim, Sekena  H. Abdel-Aziem and Hafiza A. Sharaf

Study of MTHFR C677T Polymorphism and Associated Oxidative Stress Biomarkers among Autism Spectrum Disorder Patients in Jordan

Laila M.  Al-Omari , Abdelrahim A. Hunaiti , Mohammad A. Beirat and Yasser K. Bustanji

Chemical components and insecticidal effects of Lavandula angustifolia and Origanum vulgare essential oils on the growth different stages of Habrobracon hebetor Say (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

Samira Molapour , Robab Shabkhiz, Omid Askari, Homeyra Shiri, Akbar Keramati and Vahid Mahdavi



Contents of Number 3

Regulation of chemoresponsiveness in triple-negative breast cancer: androgen receptor, ABCG2, and microRNA (Review)

Bayan Z. Al-Momany and Mamoun Ahram

Association of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Gene insertion/deletion (I/D) Polymorphism with Obesity and Obesity Related Phenotypes in Malay Subjects

Emilia Apidi, Aliya Irshad SaniMohd Khairi Zahri Johari, Rohayu Izanwati Mohd Rawi, Ramlah Farouk, Omar Mahmoud Al-shajrawi , Atif Amin Baig and Nordin Bin Simbak

Hepato-Protective Effect of Curcuma longa against Paracetamol-Induced Chronic Hepatotoxicity in Swiss Mice

Salima Douichene, Wahiba Rached and Noureddine Djebli

Interaction of Atorvastatin and CX3CR1/Fractalkine in Androgen-Dependent Prostate Cancer Cells: Effect on PI3K Pathway

Belal A. Al-Husein, Nizar M. Mhaidat and Razan M. Sweidan

Biochemical Composition, Antioxidant Power and Anti-inflammatory of Dehulled Sesamum indicum Seeds and Its Coat Fraction

Laila Elhanafi, Zineb Benkhadda Benkhadda, Chainae Rais , Mariame Houhou, Siham Lebtar  , Adil Channo and Hassane Greche

Anti-inflammatory and Anti-proliferative Activity of Coconut Oil against Adverse Effects of UVB on Skin of Albino Mice

Snur Mohammed Amin Hassan

Influence of water quality parameters on larval stages of Pseudoleptonema quinquefasciatum Martynov 1935 (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) in streams of western Thailand

Penkhae Thamsenanupap and Taeng On Prommi

Antiviral, Antifungal, and Antibacterial Potential Activities of Ephedra Sinica in Vitro

Mohamed M. Deabes, Abdou K. Allayeh, Mohamed M Seif , Abdel-Hamied M. Rasmey and Khayria M. Naguib

Protective effect of Ginger against Sodium Metabisulfite induced Oxidative Stress in Rat

Shahnaz Shekarforoush, Akbar Afkhami Fathabad and Abbas Taheri

Molecular Surveillance of Enteroviruses in Al-Zarqa River, Jordan

Ismail Saadoun , Qotaiba Ababneh, Ziad Jaradat and Mamdoh M. Meqdam

Phytochemical Analysis, In Vitro Antioxidant Activity and Germination Capability of Selected Grains and Seeds

Radka Vrancheva, Aneta Popova, Dasha Mihaylova and Albert Krastanov

Cellulose Content in Selected Plant species along the Dead Sea Coast and the Southern Desert of Jordan

Amal M. Harb and Jamil N. Lahham

Inhibitory Effect of Clay/Chitosan Nanocomposite against Penicillium digitatum on Citrus and Its Possible Mode of Action



Khamis Youssef  and Ayat F. Hashim

The Role of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Powder in Improving Liver Function to Increase Vitellogenin Synthesis and Deposition in the Oocytes of Catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus)

Cut D. Dewi, Wasmen Manalu , Damiana R. Ekastuti, and Agus O. Sudrajat

Effect of Different Applications of Bio-agent Achromobacter xylosoxidans against Meloidogyne incognita and Gene Expression in Infected Eggplant

Walaa A. Ramadan and Gazeia M. Soliman

A Preliminary Assessment on the Habitat Use of Carnivores in Al Mujib Biosphere Reserve Using Camera Trapping

Nashat Hamidan, Zuhair S. Amr and Mohammad A. Abu Baker

Evaluation of Nutritional Composition and In vitro Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Codium intricatum Okamura from Ilocos Norte (Philippines)

Eldrin DLR. Arguelles

Associations of GCKR, TCF7L2, SLC30A8 and IGFB Polymorphisms with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Egyptian Populations

Eman A. Awadallah ,Nehal S. Hasan ,Mona A.M. Awad , Solaf A. Kamel , Rasha  N. Yousef , Nevine  I. Musa  and Eman M. Hassan

Toxicities of Parkia biglobosa Extract and Dimethoate + Cypermethrin Insecticide on Kidney and Liver of Wistar Rats Fed Treated Okra Fruits

Olajumoke O. Fayinminnu , Olufunso O. Adeniyi and Rotimi  Olatunde

Pomegranate Peel Extract Activities as Antioxidant and Antibiofilm against Bacteria Isolated from Caries and Supragingival Plaque

Sabria Benslimane, Ouafa Rebai, Rachid Djibaoui, and Abed Arabi


Contents of Number 4

Evaluation of Pre-treatment Methods and Anaerobic Co-digestions of Recalcitrant Melanised Chicken Feather Wastes with other Wastes for Improved Methane and Electrical Energy Production

Ibrahim Yusuf, Kubra I. Arzai, and Abdulwahid S. Dayyab

Characterization of Egyptian durum Wheat Genotypes using Biochemical and Molecular Markers

Samira A. Osman and Walaa A. Ramadan

Heat Exposure Affects the mRNA Levels of Antioxidant Enzymes in Embryonic and Adult Broiler Chickens

Amneh H. Tarkhan, Khaled M. M. Saleh and Mohammad B. Al-Zghoul

Diet Composition and Prey Selection in the Long-eared Owl, Asio otus in Jordan: the Importance of Urban Avifauna
Mohammad A. Abu Baker, Ratib M. Al-Ouran and Zuhair S. Amr

Genetic Characterization of Algerian Minor Date Palms (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Cultivated in the Oases of Biskra using Nuclear Microsatellite Markers

Ahmed Simozrag  and  Ziane Laiadi

Selenium-Supplemented Diet Influences Histological Features of Liver and Kidney in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

Sonia Iqbal , Usman Atique, Muhammad Sharif Mughal, Muhammad Younus, Muhammad Kamran Rafique, Muhammad Sultan Haider, Hafiza Sundas Iqbal, Shahid Sherzada and Tanveer Ali Khan

Inclusion of Myrmecodia pendens bulb Extract in the Diet Stimulates Immune Response in Clarias gariepinus against Aeromonas hydrophila

Rudy A. Nugroho , Yanti P. Sari and Esti H. Hardi

In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Cell Free Fermentation Supernatant of Passiflora edulis forma flavicarpa Sims. Fruit Fermented by de Man, Rogosa and Sharp Media

Safarini Marwah , Iif H. Rosyidah,Ni M.Mertaniasih,Muhammad N.S.B.Hamzah, Kholis A. Novianti, Riesta Primaharinastiti, Dian Rahmawaty and Isnaeni Isnaeni

Prevalence of Capsular Polysaccharide Genes and Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Klebsiella pneumoniae in Palestine 

Ghaleb M. Adwan, Dina M. Owda and Awni A. Abu-Hijleh

Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure from Amino Acid Sequences by Integrating Fuzzy, Random Forest and Feature Vector Methodologies

Sivagnanam R. Mani Sekhar , Siddesh G. Matt and Sunilkumar S Manvi

Biogenic Silver Nanoparticle Synthesis, Characterization and its Antibacterial activity against Leather Deteriorates

Savita Kate, Madhuri Sahasrabudhe and Archana Pethe

Pollen Morphological Variations among some Cultivated Citrus species and its Related Genera in Egypt

Wafaa K. Taia, Manaser M. Ibrahim and Mahmoud Abdel-Sattar

Direct Somatic Embryogenesis and Regeneration of an Indonesian orchid Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume under a Variety of Plant Growth Regulators, Light Regime, and Organic Substances

Windi Mose, Budi Setiadi Daryono, Ari Indrianto, Aziz Purwantoro and  Endang Semiarti

Estradiol Affects Ultimobranchial Gland of a Freshwater Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis kept in Different Calcium Environments

Susmita Srivastav, Diwakar Mishra, Sunil K. Srivastav3, Nobuo Suzuki and Ajai K. Srivastav

Antioxidants Released from Cichorium pumilum Jacq. Amendment Mitigate Salinity Stress in Maize

Nadia M El-Shafey and Hamada R AbdElgawad

Molecular Identification and Characterization of Parrotfish species from the Farasan Islands, Red Sea-Saudi Arabia

Mohamed M. Hassan , Ayman Sabry and Mohamed Ismail

Fungal Endophytes from Tabernaemontana heyneana Wall. (Apocynaceae), their Molecular Characterization, L-asparaginase and Antioxidant Activities

Naguvanahally S. Bhavana, Harischandra S. Prakash and Monnanda S. Nalini

Responses of Lantana Camara Linn.  Callus Cultures to Heavy Metals Added to the Culture Media

Reham W. Tahtamouni , Rida A. A. Shibli, Laila S.Younes , Saida Abu-Mallouh and Tamara S. Al-Qudah

Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc Nanoparticles by Natural Organic Compounds Extracted from Licorice Root and their Influence on Germination of Sorghum bicolor Seeds

Mahmood A. S. Al-Shaheen, Mustafa N. Owaid and Rasim F. Muslim

Assessment of Antimicrobial and Anticancer Activity of Radish Sprouts Extracts

Mahmoud Khalid, Reem Ayayda, Nameer Gheith, Zaidoun Salah, Saleh Abu-Lafi, Amal Jaber, Fuad Al-Rimawi and Ghassab Al-Mazaideh


Contents of  Supplementary Issue

A Molecular Docking Study of Aloysia citrodora Palau. Leaf Essential Oil Constituents towards Human Acetylcholinesterase: Implications for Alzheimer’s disease

Sawsan Abuhamdah, Rushdie Abuhamdah, Melanie-Jayne Howes, Georgina Uttley and Paul L Chazot

Evaluation of SIRT1 Gene Expression and rs3758391 C/T Polymorphism in Coronary Atherosclerosis

Rabab F. Salim , Mamdouh Z. Abadir, Azza M. Elbermawy, Heba A. Mansour and Lina A. Mohamed

Chronic Effects of Lead Exposure on Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) from Smelter Area in Kosovo

Sheval F. Memishi , Qerim I. Selimi, Kasum Rr. Letaj and Isa R. Elezaj

Characterization of the Complete Chloroplast Genome of Blepharis ciliaris (Acanthoideae, Acanthaceae)

Samaila S. Yaradua , Dhafer A. Alzahrani , Abidina Abba  and Enas J. Albokhary

Effect of Ficus exasperata VAHL Extracts on Bacterial Isolates Associated with HIV Infection

Joseph S. Ajayi, Babayemi O. Oladejo and Muftau K.  Oladunmoye

The Variations in Saliva and Serum Total Peroxidases System’s Activity in Patients with Different Oral Tumors

Hathama R. Hasan and  Nuha N. A. Aburahma

Effects of Inoculation with Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and Ectomycorrhizae on Growth and Mycorrhizal Colonization of Cork Oak (Quercus suber  L.)

Hana Ksentini , Amel Meddad-Hamza and Arifa Beddiar

Arsenic Induced Oxidative Perturbations in Freshwater Air Breathing Fish Clarias batrachus: In Vivo Study

Gyanendra B. Chand and Shrawan Kumar

Landmark-based Morphometric and Meristic Variations in Emperors (Lethrinus, Lethrinidae, Percoidei) from Three Areas around Sulawesi (Indonesia) with Different Levels of Destructive Fishing

Muhammad Afrisal, Nurjirana, Irmawati, Yukio Iwatsuki and Andi Iqbal Burhanuddin

Bioactive Ingredients and Anti-influenza (H5N1), Anticancer, and Antioxidant Properties of Urtica urens L.

Alaa A. Gaafar, Sami I. Ali , Omnia Kutkat , Ahmed M. Kandeil, Salwa M. El-Hallouty

GC-MS/MS Based Metabolite Profiling and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Properties of Emblica officinalis Leaves Extract.

Ali.M.M.A. Al-samman, Mohd. Imran, Md. Afroz Bakht, Kahkashan and Nadeem.A.Siddique

Effect of Pleurotus ostreatus Extract on Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Expression during Healing of Aspirin-induced Peptic Ulcer in Male Rats

Saja Hussain Dilfy , Adnan W. M. Al-bideri and Mohammed Jubair Hanawi

Total Phenolic Content, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Ruta chalepensis L. Leaf Extract in Al-Baha Area, Saudi Arabia

Abdulaziz Y. Al-Ghamdi, Abdelfattah A. Fadlelmula, and Mohamed O.M. Abdalla

Curative Potential of Nigerian Medicinal Plants in COVID-19 Treatment: A Mechanistic Approach

Johnson Olaleye Oladele, Ebenezer Idowu Ajayi, Oyedotun Moses Oyeleke, Oluwaseun Titilope Oladele, Boyede Dele Olowookere, Boluwaji M Adeniyi

Morphology and Distribution of Empoasca decipiens Paoli and Asymmetrasca decedens (Paoli) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), in Jordan

Zaid Nabas and Ahmad Katbeh Bader

Assessment of Testicular Histomorphometric Parameters and Reticular Fibres Density on Testicular Tissue of Diabetic Wistar Rat Placed on Auricularia Polytricha

Godson E. Anyanwu ,and Cyril A. Agbor

Preliminary Studies on the fluctuation of the biomass of size-fractionated zooplankton in sea grass bed of Pulau Tinggi, Malaysia

Nasir Shuaib, Maryati Mohamed, Mohd Saifullah Rusiman, Hazel Monica Matias-Peralta, Abdur Rahim

Predicting Blood Lead Levels Using Endogenous Lead Levels in the Scalp Hair of Workers in Acid Battery Manufacturing Plant: A Pilot Study

Ala' Ali Ahmad Al-Subeihi and Abdelkader H. Battah

Cyanoxanthomycin, a Bacterial Antimicrobial Compound Extracted from Thermophilic Geobacillus sp. Iso5

Dummi M. Gurumurthy, T. P. Charanraj, Basheerabegum Faniband, Preeti N. Tallur, Zabin K. Bagewadi, Shivayogeeswar E. Neelagund and Sikandar I. Mulla

Streptomyces flora in chronically fuel oil-polluted soils and analysis of their alkane hydroxylase (alkB) gene by PCR

Ismail Saadoun, Mohammad Alawawdeh , Ziad Jaradat , and Qotaiba Ababneh



