JJBS Volume 18 |
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Number 1 |
Editorial Preface
Contents of Number 1
the Intricacies of Gut Microbiome, Psychology, and Viral Pandemics:
A Holistic Perspective (Editorial Letter)
Ariyo Shahin
Jafari, Shahram Agah, Muhannad I. Massadeh, Mojdeh Valizadeh ,
Hakime Karami , Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad |
Achene and Pollen Morphology of The Genus Crepis L. In Egypt
and Its Systematic Significance
Amina. Z. Abo-Elnaga, Sami H Rabei, Ibrahim A Elgamal
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180101 |
Effects of Lyophilized Leech Saliva Extract on Cell Migration and Apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer and HUVEC Cell Lines
Kübranur ÜNAL , Nihan TIRIK, Mehmet Emre EROL , Mustafa GÜNGÖRMÜŞ, Hüseyin AYHAN
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180102 |
Comparative Studies on Antibacterial Activities of Chitosan, Silver
Nanoparticles and Maggot Based chitosan-silver Nanocomposites
Against Fish Pathogens
Joseph A. Olugbojo , Adeolu A. Akinyemi2, Samuel O. Obasa, and Enock O. Dare
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180103 |
Association between Sex hormone-binding Globulin Levels and Thyroid
Function in Bladder Cancer
Saleem Ali
Banihani, Yasmeen Maher Abu-Gharaibeh, Omar M. Halalsheh
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180104 |
Viability and Germination Percentage Analysis of Platanthera bifolia
Seeds at Different Degrees of Maturity
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180105 |
Evaluation of Gene Polymorphisms in Patients with Urinary Oxalate
Stones: Cross-sectional Study
Usha Adiga,
Neha Honnalli, Rajeev TP
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180106 |
Effect of Sucrose Excess and Deprivation on the Physiological
Responses and Phytochemical Compound Profiles of Kaffir Lime Calli
Komalasari, Angellia Melliana Pramesthi, Wulan Usfi Mafiroh, Aries
Bagus Sasongko and Woro Anindito Sri Tunjung
Activities of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius Leaves Extract via
Modulation of TLR4 Expression and Neutrophil Cell Infiltration in
Infected Mice
Hidayati, Dhina Ayu Susanti, Rian Anggia Destiawan, Istiqomah, Lulut
Sasmito, Rizki Fitrianingtyas, Krisa Prawira Firmansyah Putra
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180108 |
Heating Pretreatment of Mung Bean Seeds: Effects of Voltage Gradient
on Seed Germination and Growth of Mung Bean Sprouts
Diang Sagita ,
Rusdi Hasan, Risya Al Zahra
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180109 |
Physicochemical and
Microbiological Characteristics of Robusta Coffee Processed Using
Wet Fermentation Method with and Without S. Cerevisiae Starter
Woro Setiaboma
, Dita Kristanti, Diang Sagita, Annisa Dwi Yunniar, Lia Ratnawati,
Yose Rizal Kurniawan, Diki Nanang Surahman , Evana Evana
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180110 |
Preparation of Magnetic Nanoparticles Specifically Binding to
Antibodies for Efficient Foodborne Pathogen Detection
Danh Thi
Nguyen, Kien-Quang Huynh, Tan Tai Nguyen, Hieu Tran-Van
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180111 |
Kinetics Profile of Hybridoma Clones SB4 and RD8 Producing
Monoclonal Antibodies Against The Spike Protein Of SARS-Cov-2 In
Low-Serum Medium
Febby Nurdiya NINGSIH , Sri Rahayu LESTARI, Jodi SURYANGGONO, Erba
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180112 |
Papillomavirus 16 (HPV16) in the Middle East and North Africa:
Molecular, Epidemiology and Clinical Characterization
Rabaa Y
Athamneh , Loai Alanagreh, Esam Y. Qnais Hamed Alzoubi, Abdelrahim
Alqudah, Rania Algroom,Maisa M. A. AL-QUDAH, Tareq Nayef AlRamadneh,
Rawan Abudalo
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180113 |
Genetic Relationship Analysis to Evaluate the Performance of Several
Pure Strains and their Individual Hybrids between the RAPD-PCR
Indicators in the Yield Traits of Yellow Corn (Zea mays L.)
Yasser Hamad
Humada (PhD) , Raeed Mejbel Abdullah (PhD), Farhan Khaleel Hussein (MSc)
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180114 |
The dual inhibitory
effect of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell secretome on
JAK2/STAT3 and PI3k/AKT/mTOR signaling pathways
Mirfendereski, Ali Bagheri, Sepehr Niknami, Mahsa Amin, Faeze
Khaghani, Maryam Torshabi, Elham Mohit, Sara Dabirian
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180115 |
First Report of Plasmodium Infectivity and Dynamics of Anopheles
Mosquito species in Gombe State, Northeastern, Nigeria
B.S. , Abba, E., Ubayo, A, Yoriyo, K.P, Sow, G.J, Chiezey, N.P.,
Ndams, I.S.
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180116 |
Genetic Diversity of South Libyan Elite Date Palm Using SSR Markers
Khaled Elmeer,
Amna Ahmed and Imene Mattat
https://doi.org/10.54319/jjbs/180117 |
COVID-19 Molecular
Diagnosis Challenges Faced by Medical Laboratory Specialists in
Hospitals of Jordan: A Qualitative Study
Arwa Qaqish ,
Ola Soudah, Mariam M. Al-Omari, Manal Mohammad Abbas, Muath Al-Ajaleen,
Feras Abu-Ali, Rana Said, Mahmoud Ghazo
Role of Fluconazole
Nanoemulsion in Inhibiting Liver Candidiasis in Female Mice and
their Embryos
Sanaa H.
Mohammed , Ahmed H. Saleh , Khaled H. Abu-Elteen ,Batol I. Dheeb and
Safa M. Abdulateef
Methane Emissions
from Seedlings of the Cyprus Variety of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.)
Under Drought and Heat Stress Factors at Elevated Carbon Dioxide
Mohammad Abo
Gamar, Riyadh Muhaidat, and Khaled Al-Ahmad

