JJBS Volume 1 |
Complete Journal
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Number 1

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Number 2

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Number 3

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Number 4

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Editorial Preface
Contents of Number 1
Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Increases the
Sensitivity of Cortical Neurons to Acetylcholine and Impairs Cognitive Function
in Rats
Fuad A. Abdulla and Esam Y. Qnais
Modeling the biodegradation efficiency and growth
of Pseudomonas alcaligenes utilizing
2,4-dichlorophenol as a carbon source Pre- and Post-exposure to UV radiation
Ali Elkarmi, Khaled Abu-Elteen and Muhammad Khader
Heavy Metals in Eleven Common Species of Fish
from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea
Ahmad H. Abu Hilal
and Naim S. Ismail
Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of
Three Novel Halophilic Bacillus Strains from
Jordanian Hot Springs
Hazem Akel,
Farouk Al-Quadan, Manar Atoum and Mohammed Battikhi
Chemical Stress Response of Wild Oat to 1, 2, 7,
8-Diepoxyoctane Treatment
Ghassan. J. M. Kanan
Levels of Heavy Metal Cd, Cu and Zn in Three Fish
Species Collected from the Northern Jordan Valley, Jordan
S. M. AL-Weher
Contents of Number 2
Disinfecting Contaminated Water with Natural
Solar Radiation Utilizing a Disinfection Solar Reactor in a Semi-arid Region
Ali Elkarmi,
Khaled Abu-Elteen
and Anan Al-Karmi
Spatial and Seasonal Variations in Biomass and
Size Structure of Zooplankton in Coastal Waters of the Gulf of Aqaba
Tariq H. Al-Najjar
and Mohsen M. El-Sherbiny
Heavy Metals in Three Commonly Available Coral
Reef Fish Species From the Jordan Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea
Naim S. Ismail and Ahmad
H. Abu-Hi1al
The Primary Production Conditions of Wadi Al-Arab Dam (Reservoir), Jordan
Ismail Saadoun, Erwah Bataineh, Adil Y. Al-Handal
Virtual Reference Values for STR Genetic Loci
Assignment in Forensic Arenas: A Jordanian-Based Study
Salem Yasin, Raed Khalil, Maweih Hamad, Ahmad Sharieh, Ahmad Al-Jaber
Distribution of Diazinon
in Water, Sediment and Fish from Warri River, Niger Delta Nigeria
Ezemonye L.I.N., Ikpesu T.O. and Ilechie I.
Effect of Chlorogenic and Caffeic Acids on Activities and Isoenzymes
of G6PDH and 6PGDH of Artemisia Herba Alba Seeds
Germinated for One and Three Days in Light and Dark (Short Communication)
Farouk Al-Quadan,
Abeer Ibrahim, Fawzia
M.R. Al-Charchafchi
Contents of Number 3
In vitro antifungal activities of various plant
crude extracts and fractions against citrus post-harvest disease agent Penicillium digitatum
Ghassan. J. Kanan ,Rasha. A. Al-Najar
The Effect of Crown Restorations on The Types and
Counts of Cariogenic Bacteria
Rabeah Y. Rawashdeh ,Hanan I. Malkawi,Ahmad S. Al-Hiyasat and
Mohammad M. Hammad
Activity of “Orthosiphon Stamineus”
on Liver Damage Caused by Paracetamol in Rats
C. Maheswari, R.Maryammal, R. Venkatanarayanan
Cytokine and Antibody Response to Immunization of
BALB/C Mice With E.Granulosus Using Various Routes
Khaled M. Al-Qaoud, Laiali T. Al-Quraan, Sami K. Abdel-Hafez
The Latency and Reactivation of Temperature-
Sensitive Mutants of Mouse Cytomegalovirus in
Different Organs of Mice.
Hazem Akel, Farouk Al-Quadan, Moh’d Al-Huniti, Suzan Al-Oreibi, Moh’d Ghalib and Sheerin Issa.
Effect of Allium sativum
and Myrtus communis on
the elimination of antibiotic resistance and swarming of Proteus mirabilis.
Kamal Khder
Optimization and scale up of cellulase
free endo xylanase
production by solid state fermentation on corn cob and by immobilized cells
of a thermotolerant Bacterial isolate
Gupta and Rita Kar
A Fast and Sensitive Molecular Detection of
Streptococcus mutans and Actinomyces
viscosus from Dental Plaques
Rabeah Y. Rawashdeh ,Hanan I. Malkawi,Ahmad S. Al-Hiyasat and
Mohammad M. Hammad
Contents of
Influence of
Culture Conditions on Cellulase Production by
Streptomyces Sp. (Strain J2)
Ziad Jaradat,
Ahlam Dawagreh, Qotaiba Ababneh,
Ismail Saadoun
Attempts for Detection of
Nanoparticles-Nanobacteria and Distribution of
their Antibodies in Jordanian Patients with Urolithiasis
Amin A. Aqel
Variations of Heavy Metals
Concentration in Suspended Matter and Physiochemical Properties in the
Coastal Surface Water of the Gulf of Aqaba.
Tariq Al-Najjar, Jamal Bani Fawaz, Riyad Manasrah, Mohamad Al-Zibdah, Ahmad Abu-Hilal
of Genetic Diversity Among Wheat Varieties in Sulaimanyah
using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Analysis
Nawroz Abdul-Razzak Tahir
Effects of Catha edulis (Khat)
Extract on Mice Bone Marrow Cells
Salim M. Abderrahman, Nabeel Modallal
Impact of
Summer Thermal Stratification on Depth Profile of Phytoplankton Productivity,
Biomass, Density and Photosynthetic Capacity in Lake Nasser (Egypt)
Ahmed Mohamed Abd El-Monem
Concentrations of
Airborne Fungal Contamination in the Medical Surgery Operation Theaters (OT)
of Different Hospitals in Northern Jordan
Ismail Saadoun, Ibraheem Ali Al Tayyar, Ziad Elnasser