JJBS Volume 2 |
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Number 1


Number 2


Number 3


Number 4


Editorial Preface
Contents of Number 1
Heavy Metals and Macroinvertebrate
Communities in Bottom Sediment of Ekpan Creek,
Warri, Nigeria.
John O. Olomukoro
, Catherine N. Azubuike
Datura Aqueous Leaf Extract
Enhances Cytotoxicity via Metabolic Oxidative Stress on Different Human
Cancer Cells
Iman M. Ahmad, Maher Y. Abdalla, Noor H. Mustafa, Esam
Y. Qnais, Fuad A. Abdulla
Larvicidal Activity of a Neem Tree Extract (Azadirachtin)
Against Mosquito Larvae in the Republic of Algeria
Abdelouaheb Alouani,
Nassima Rehimi, Noureddine Soltani
Organochlorine Pesticides
and Polychlorinated Biphenyls Carcinogens Residual in some Fish and Shell
Fish of Yemen
Nabil Al-Shwafi,
Khalid Al-trabeen , Mohammed Rasheed
Lethal and Sublethal
Effects of Atrazine to Amphibian Larvae
Ezemonye L.I.N, Tongo I
Inhibition of the in Vitro Growth of Human Mammary
Carcinoma Cell Line (MCF-7) by Selenium and Vitamin E
Ahmad M. Khalil
حول تغذية
الأهرام (Geoffroy
Saint-Hilaire, 1827)
سناء عبدالرؤوف عودات و أحمد بن مهجّع الفريسي
Contents of Number 2
Evaluation of Hexaploid Wheat Varieties
for Making Bread by High Molecular Weight (HMW) and Low
Molecular Weight (LMW) Analysis
Nawroz Abdul-razzak
The Role of Silymarin in the Protection
of Mice Liver Damage Against Microcystin-LR Toxicity
Wahsha M. , Al-Jassabi S.
Effects of
Trans-Resveratrol, Isolated from Smilax Aspera,
on Smooth Muscle, Blood Pressure, and Inflammation
in Rats and Nociception in Mice
Abeer H. Harb, Musa abu
Zarga, Shtaywy Abdalla
Genetic Polymorphism of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase (MnSOD)
Among Breast
Cancer and Benign Breast Patients in
Jordan: A
Preliminary Study
Malak S. Abdel-Fattah, Manar Atoum, Saleem Abdel-Rahman, Ali
Predicting Species
Relative Abundance in Ecological Communities
Nidal Odat, Moh'd T. Moh'd
Taleb Alodat, Riyadh Muhaidat, Faisal Ababneh, Abdel Rahman
M. Al-Tawaha, Salem Aladaileh
Genetic Relatedness among Wild and Cultivated Almond Genotypes Using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Markers in
Abdul Latief Ali Al-Ghzawi,
Ibrahim M Rawashdeh,Abdel Rahman
Sap11/Sap12 and egc Associated Toxin Genes are
Dominant in Slime Forming Clinical
Staphylococcus Aureus Isolates Harboring icaABCD-Operon
Ala'a M. Bawadi, Salwa
Bdour and Adel Mahasneh
Contents of Number 3
Effects of Ramadan Fasting on Some Haematological and Biochemical Parameters
Huda M. Al Hourani, Manar F. Atoum, Salem Akel, Nawal Hijjawi, Sally Awawdeh
Formulation and Fuzzy Modeling of Viscosity of
Orange Beverages Fortified with Carboxymethylcellulose-Whey
Protein Isolate Emulsions
Mahmoud Abu-Ghoush, Majdi
A. Al-Mahasneh, Murad Samhouri, Murad Al-Holy,
Thomas Herald
Aspects of Growth, Reproduction, and Feeding Habit
of Three Pomacentrid Fish From Gulf of Aqaba,
Mohammad Al-Zibdah, Nemeh
Relative DNA Content of Three Cytotypes
of Pohlia Nutants
Salim Abderrahman, Nabeel Modallal
Effects of Cinnamon on Blood
Glucose and Lipids Levels in Diabetic Patients (type 2)
Abdul Rahim Al Jamal
Culturable Whitefly
Associated Bacteria and Their Potential as Biological Control Agents
Mazen A. Ateyyat,
Mohammad Shatnawi, Mohammad S. Al-Mazra'awi
Contents of Number 4
Additional Records
of Dactylogyrus (Monogenea)
from Some Cyprinid Fishes from
Darbandikhan Lake, Iraq
Shamall M. A. Abdullah
Effects of Tobacco (Nicotiana Tobaccum)
Leaf Dust on Enzymatic Activities of Heteroclarias
(a Hybrid of Heterobranchus Bidorsalis
and Clarias Gariepinus)
Kabir Mohammed Adamu
of Protein Fractions as Biochemical Markers for Identification of Wheat
Nawroz Abdul-razzak Tahir
Antinociceptive Effect of Two Flavonoids from Aloysia
Triphylla L.
Esam Qnais, Kayed Abu-Safieh , Mohammad
H. Abu-Dieyeh and
Fuad A. Abdulla
of Sperm Chromatin Integrity on Parameters of In Vitro Fertilization
Lubna H. Tahtamouni, Rania A. Wahdan, Randa M. Bawadi, Ali Z. Elkarmi
Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidaemic
activities of root extracts of Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br on streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.
Bhaskar V.H, Sumant Singh Ajay

