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JJBS Volume 10

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Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4



Editorial Preface


Contents of Number 1

A New Record of Potentilla lignosa Willd. (Rosaceae) in Iraq- Short Communication

Abdullah S. Sardar

Effect of Temperature and pH on Egg Viability and Pupation of Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Diptera: Culicidae): Prospect for Optimizing Colony Reproduction Procedures

Yugi Jared Owiti and Misire Christopher

Culture Media Comparative Assessment of Common Fig (Ficus carica L.) and Carryover Effect

Ibrahim Al- Shomali, Monther T. Sadder, Ahmad Ateyyeha

Cryopreservation of Thymbra spicata L. var. spicata and Genetic Stability Assessment of the Cryopreserved Shoot Tips after Conservation

Reham W. Tahtamouni , Rida A. Shibli , Ayed M. Al- Abdallat ,Tamara S. Al-Qudah , Laila Younis , Hasan Al- Baba  and Hamdan Al- Ruwaiei

Evaluation of the Toxicological Effects of Senecio aureus Extract on the Liver and Hematological Parameters in Wistar Rats

Madu Joshua Osuigwe and Nadro Margret

Molecular Identification and Evolutionary Relationship of the New Record Callistethus sp.7VF-2014 (Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae:Reutelinae) in North of  Iraq

Banaz S. Abdullah,  Rozhgar A. Khailany , Hana H. Muhammad and  Mudhafar I. Hamad

Morinda lucida Benth. S (Rubiaceae)- New record from India

Dhaarani Vijayakumar, Pavithra Chinnasamy,  Sarvalingam Ariyan and Rajendran Arumugam

Vitamin E and/or Wheat Germ Oil Supplementation Ameliorate Oxidative Stress Induced by Cadmium Chloride in Pregnant Rats and Their Fetuses

Heba M. Abdou1, Nema A. Mohamed, Desouki A. El Mekkawy and Sara B. EL-Hengary

Toxicity of N-alkyl Derivatives of Chitosan Obtained from Adult of Chrotogonus trachypterus (Orthoptera, Acrididae) against the Wheat, Cabbage and Oleander Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Species

Najmeh Sahebzadeh , Mansour Ghaffari-Moghaddam, Syed Kazem Sabagh

Growth, Condition, Maturity and Mortality of the Gangetic Leaffish Nandus nandus (Hamilton, 1822) in the Ganges River (Northwestern Bangladesh)

Md. Yeamin Hossain, Md. Alomgir Hossen, Dalia Khatun, Fairuz Nawer, Most. Farida Parvin,  Obaidur Rahman and Md. Akhtar Hossain


Contents of Number 2

Assessment of Biodegradation and Toxicity of Drill-Muds Used in an Onshore Active Field Located in Edo State, Nigeria

Emmanuel E. Imarhiagbe and Ernest I. Atuanya

First Record of Leech Dina Punctata (Annelida: Erpobdellidae) from Lesser Zab River in Northern Iraq: Morphological and Molecular Investigation

Samir J. Bilal, Luay A. Ali, Ladee Y. Abdullah4, Rozhgar A. Khailany , Sarah F. Dhahir and Shamall M.A. Abdullah

Neural Network Based Prediction of 3D Protein Structure as a Function of Enzyme Family Type and Amino Acid Sequences

Eyad M. Hamad, Nathir A. Rawashdeh, Mohammad F. Khanfar, Eslam N. Al-Qasem1, Samer I. Al-Gharabli

Molecular Cloning and in Silico Analysis of rps7 Gene from the Lactuca sativa

Mahdieh Gholipour , Bahram Baghban Kohnehrouz

Effect of UV-B Radiation on Chromosomal Organisation and Biochemical Constituents of Coriandrum sativum L.

Girjesh Kumar and Asha Pandey

Flight Activity of the Hairy Rose Beetle, Tropinota squalida (Scopoli) in Apple and Cherry Orchards in Southern Jordan

Mazen A. Ateyyat and Mohmmad Al-Alawi

Putative Mechanism of Cadmium Bioremediation Employed by Resistant Bacteria

Madhulika Chauhan, Manu Solanki and Kiran Nehra

Heavy Metals, Nutrients, Total Hydrocarbons and Zooplankton Community Structure of Osse River, Edo State, Nigeria

Isibor Patrick Omoregie

Species Identification Based on trnH-psbA and ITS2 Genes and Analysis of Mineral Nutrients of Selected Medicinal Plants from Malaysia

Nur-Aqidah A.Aziz, Mardiana Idayu Ahmad, Darlina Md Naim

Bacterial and Fungal Communities Associated with the Production of A Nigerian Fermented Beverage, "Otika"

O. B. Oriola, B. E. Boboye and F.  C. Adetuyi

Isolation and Molecular Characterization of a Newly Isolated Strain of Bacillus sp. HMB8, With a Distinct Antagonistic Potential Against Listeria monocytogenes and Some Other Food Spoilage Pathogens

Sulaiman Alnaimat, Saleem Aladaileh, Saqer Abu Shattal, Ali Al-asoufi, Hussein Nassarat, and Yousef Abu-Zaitoon


Contents of Number 3

Role of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Detection of Hyperglycemia among Non-diabetic Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

Mahir A. Jassim

On some Records of Dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata: Anisoptera) from the West Bank (Palestine)

Shadi H. Adawi, Khalid R. Qasem, Mubarak M. Zawahra and  Elias N. Handal

Assessment of Antigenotoxic Effect of Nanoselenium and Metformin on Diabetic Rats

Abeer H. Abd El-Rahim, Omaima M Abd-Elmoneim and Naglaa A. Hafiz

Avifauna Diversity of Bahr Al-Najaf Wetlands and the Surrounding Areas, Iraq

Mudhafar A. Salim  and Salwan Ali Abed

Inhibitory Effect of Crude Ethanol and Water Extracts of Phytolacca dodecandra (L’ Herit) on Embryonic Development of Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae)

Jared O. Yugi and Joyce J. Kiplimo

Comparative Anatomy of Stem, Petiole and Flower Stalks and its significance in the Taxonomy of Some Members of Cucurbits

Chimezie Ekeke, Ikechukwu O. Agbagwa and Alozie C. Ogazie

Estimation of Median Lethal Dose of Commercial Formulations of Some Type II Pyrethroids

Prabhu N. Saxena and  Brijender Bhushan

Morphometric Relationships of the Endangered Ticto barb Pethia ticto (Hamilton, 1822) in the Ganges River (NW Bangladesh) through Multi-Linear Dimensions

Fairuz Nawer, Md. Yeamin Hossain, Md. Alomgir Hossen, Dalia Khatun, Most. Farida Parvin, Jun Ohtomi and Md. Ariful Islam

Antibacterial Activities (Bacitracin A and Polymyxin B) of Lyophilized Extracts from Indigenous Bacillus subtilis Against Staphylococcus aureus

Marwan Y. Hussain, Adnan A. Ali-Nizam and Samir M. Abou-Isba

Antibacterial and Cytotoxic Activity of the Bark of Phoenix paludosa in Different Solvents

Saikat Ranjan Paul, Md. Raad Sayeed1, Md. Lukman Hakim

Eragrostis nairii Kalidass C. (Poaceae): New Record for Southern Western Ghats, India

Moorthy Pavithra , Manogaran  Parthipan,  Iwar  Kanivalan and Arumugam Rajendran


Contents of Number 4

Isolation and Characterization of Bacteriocins like Antimicrobial Compound from Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp lactis
Narendrakumar Gopakumaran , Sri Gajani Veerasangili and Preethi Thozhikatu Valliaparambal
Mentum Deformities in Chironomidae (Diptera, Insecta) as Indicator of Environmental Perturbation in Freshwater Habitats
Isara Thani and Taeng On Prommi
Morphological Cranial Study and Habitat Preference of Mus macedonicus (Petrov & Ruzic, 1983) (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Lebanon
Mounir R. Abi-Said and Sarah S. Karam
Lung Cancer Detection Using Multi-Layer Neural Networks with Independent Component Analysis: A Comparative Study of Training Algorithms
Abdelwadood M. Mesleh
Biodegradation of Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS) by two Bacteria Isolated from Wastewater Generated by a Detergent-Manufacturing Plant in Nigeria
Abimbola O. Adekanmbi and Iyanuoluwa M. Usinola
HPLC-DAD Fingerprinting Analysis, Antioxidant Activity of Phenolic Extracts from Blighia sapida Bark and Its Inhibition of Cholinergic Enzymes Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
Oluwafemi A. Ojo , Basiru O. Ajiboye, Adebola B. Ojo, Israel I. Olayide, Ayodele J. Akinyemi, Adewale O. Fadaka, Ebenezer A. Adedeji, Aline A. Boligon and Marli M. Anraku de Campos
Investigation of some Virulence Determents in Aeromonas hydrophila Strains Obtained from Different Polluted Aquatic Environments
Mamdouh Y. Elgendy, Waleed S. Soliman, Wafaa T. Abbas, Taghreed B. Ibrahim, Abdelgayed M Younes and Shimaa T. Omara
In Silico Screening for Inhibitors Targeting Bacterial Shikimate Kinase
Mohammed Z. Al-Khayyat
Quantitative Analysis of Macrobenthic Molluscan Populations Inhabiting Bandri Area of Jiwani, South West Pakistan Coast
Abdul Ghani, Nuzhat Afsar and Solaha Rahman
Immobilization of Moderately Halophilic Bacillus sp. 2BSG-PDA-16 cells: A Promising Tool for Effective Degradation of Phenol
Eman Z. Gomaa
Evaluation of the Anti-Cancer Potential of Amphidinol 2, a Polyketide Metabolite from the Marine Dinoflagellate Amphidinium klebsii
Rafael A. Espiritu, Maria Carmen S. Tan and Glenn G. Oyong
Mycological Quality of Fresh and Frozen Chicken Meat Retailed within Warri Metropolis, Delta State, Nigeria
Gideon I. Ogu , Inamul H. Madar, Jude C. Igborgbor and Judith C. Okolo
Homology Modeling and In silico Docking Studies of DszB Enzyme Protein, Hydroxyphenyl Benzene Sulfinate Desulfinase of Streptomyces sp. VUR PPR 101
Praveen Reddy P and Uma Maheswara Rao Vanga
Bio-Insecticidal Potency of Five Plant Extracts against Cowpea Weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.), on Stored Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L)
Ito E. Edwin and Ighere E Jacob
Phytochemical Screening and Radical Scavenging Activity of Whole Seed of Durum Wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) and Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Varieties
Sofia Hamli, Kenza Kadi, Dalila Addad and Hamenna Bouzerzour


