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JJBS Volume 7

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Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4



Editorial Preface


Contents of Number 1

The Mediterranean Region: A Reservoir for CTX-M-ESBL-Producing Enterobacteriacae

Katia Cheaito and Ghassan M. Matar

Effect of Green Tea and Green Tea Rich with Catechin on Blood Glucose Levels, Serum Lipid Profile and Liver and Kidney Functions in Diabetic Rats.
Usama El-Sayed Mostafa

Genetic Variability Evaluation Among Iraqi Rice (Oryza sativa L) Varieties using RAPD Markers and Protein Profiling.
Nawroz Abdul-razzak Tahir

Macroinvertebrate Community and Pollution Tolerance Index in Edion and Omodo Rivers in Derived Savannah Wetlands in Southern Nigeria.
John O. Olomukoro and Abdul-Rahman Dirisu

Bacteriocin Typing of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Different Sources in Ibb City, Yemen.
Fadhl A. Al-Gosha’ah; Shayma M. Al-Baker and Khadijah Y. Al-Hetar

Molecular Identification of Six Steinernema Isolates and Characterization of their Internal Transcribed Spacers Regions.
Omar M. Darissa and Naim M. Iraki

Diversity of Fungal Trunk Pathogens Associated with Grapevine Dieback of Grapevine in Algeria.
Faiza Ammad, Messaoud Benchabane and Mohamed Toumi

Biochemical Response of the Cyclopoida Copepod Apocyclops borneoensis Exposed to Nickel.
Emadeldeen Hassan Mohammed

Newbouldia laevis (Seem) as an Entomocide Against Sitophilus oryzae and Sitophilus zeamais Infesting Maize Grain.
Olaniyi C. Ogungbite and Emmanuel A. Oyeniyi

Entomocidal Activity of Powders and Extracts of Four Medicinal Plants Against Sitophilus oryzae (L), Oryzaephilus mercator (Faur) and Ryzopertha dominica (Fabr.).
Kayode D. Ilekeand Olaniyi C. Ogungbite

Effects of Smoking on Lipid Profile and Homocysteine in Coronary Heart Disease.
Fawzi M. Al-Sheyab, Faisal I. Mohammed, Iman K. Shehadeh, Nabil A. Bashir and Rehan T. BaniHani

Two New Records of Astragalus species of the Section Chronopus Bge. and Harpilobus Bge. in Saudi Arabia.
Sherif M. Sharawy

Secondary chromosomal association in kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Girjesh Kumar and Nitu Chaudhary

Study on the Production of Bacterial Cellulose from Acetobacter xylinum using Agro-Waste.
Puji Lestari , Nitariani Elfrida, Ani Suryani and Yadi Suryadi



Contents of Number 2

Clostridium: Pathogenic Roles, Industrial Uses and Medicinal Prospects of Natural Products as Ameliorative Agents against Pathogenic Species.

Sabina M. Num and Nicodemus M. Useh

A Survey of the Processing and Chemical Composition of Gariss Produced by Nomadic Camel Women Herders in AlGaderif State, Sudan

Eilaf S. K. Suliman and Ibtisam E. M. El Zubeir

 Decline in Vertebrate Biodiversity in Bethlehem, Palestine.

Mazin B. Qumsiyeh, Sibylle S. Zavala and Zuhair S. Amr

 Diet of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) from Chaddra-Akkar, Northern Lebanon.

Mounir R.Abi-Said , Adwan H.Shehab and Zuhair S.Amr

  Effect of Hiptage madablota Gaertn. on High Fat Diet – Induced Obese Rats.

Gandhimathi Retnasamy and Sreedevi Adikay

 Intakes of Fats, Cholesterol, Fiber and Micronutrients as Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Jordan.

Hamed R. Takruri and Refat A. Alkurd

The Ability of Vitamin A, Alone or in Combination with Vitamins C and E, in Ameliorating the Side Effects of Penicillin and Streptomycin on Hepatic Damage in Guinea Pigs.

Mohammed A.Y. Al-Eryani  , Fatma M. H. Shediwah , Mohammed S.A. Al-Awar, Elias M.A. Salih and Elham A. S. AL- Shaibani

Bioactive Crude Extracts from Four Bacterial Isolates of Marine Sediments from Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan.

Wael A. Al-Zereini

Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of Cycloserine in Multidrug Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates.

 Rishan Singh

Biochemical Parameters of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Exposed to Crude Leaf Extract of Cannabis sativa.

Bala S. Audu , Kabir M. Adamu and Paul C. Ofojekwu



Contents of Number 3

Pathogenicity of Syrian Isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) Against the Cereal Leafminer Syringopais temperatella Led. (Lep., Scythrididae) Under Laboratory Conditions.

Basim A.-R. Al-Dababseh Maysa A.-F. Meihiar Firas A. Al-Zyoud and Ihab H. Ghabeish

Inhibitory Effect of Mediterranean Sage and Rosemary on Clinical and Community Isolates of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Hamed M. Alzoubi , Abdallah I. Ibrahim, Mohammed S. Alsbou and  Amin A. Aqel

Molecular Identification of Trametes Species Collected from Ondo and Oyo States, Nigeria

Oyetayo V. Olusegun

Coronary Atherosclerosis: Adiponectin and Leptin as Predictors of Disease Severity

Samir S. Mahgoub, Ayman J. Hammoudeh, Hani M. Al-shagahin, Manal N. Al S,oub Odai F. Masarweh, Moustafa A. Abdo, Shereen N. AlAtoom and Areej W. Alzaraq

Fish Species Assemblages in Two Riverine Systems of Mujib Basin in Jordan and the Effects of Impoundment

Nashat A.-F. Hamidan

In Vitro Activity of Novel Metronidazole Derivatives on Larval Stages of Echinococcus granulosus

Wafa'a T. Nasr, Haythem A. Saadeh, Mohammad S. Mubarak and  Sami K. Abdel-Hafez

Measurements of Homogentisic Acid levels in Alkaptonuria Patients Using an Optimized and Validated Gas Chromatography Method/Mass Spectrometry

Sameeh A. Al-Sarayreh, Ibrahim N. Al-Tarawneh,  Mohammed S. Al-Sbou, Eman M. Albatayneh, Jehad M. Al-Shuneigat and  Yousef M. Al-saraireh

Microscopic Analysis of in vitro Digested Milled Barley Grains: Influence of Particle Size Heterogeneity

Ghaid J.Al-Rabadi

Evaluation of Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxicity of Alcea kurdica Alef

Suhailah W. Qader and Hassan M. Awad

Mating frequency, Duration and Time in Baluchistan Melon Fly Myiopardalis pardalina (Bigot) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Morteza Movahedi Fazel  and Ali Mohammadipour

Relationship of Biometric Size-Weight,Nutritive Value, and Metal Concentrations in Clarias lazera (Cuvier and Valenciennes) Reared in Treated Wastewater

Manal M. A. Awad Elkareem, Abeer M. H. Karrar  and Abdel karim  S. Ali

Microscopic Analysis of Extruded and Pelleted Barley and Sorghum Grains

Mohammed A. Bdour, Ghaid J. Al-Rabadi , Nofal S. Al-Ameiri, Atif Y. Mahadeen and Muhammad H. Aaludatt


Contents of Number 4

Phytochemistry, Pharmacological Properties and Industrial Applications of Rhus coriaria L. (Sumac)

Ibrahim M. Abu-Reidah, Rana M. Jamous and Mohammed S. Ali-Shtayeh

Extracellular Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Pseudomonas aeruginosa KUPSB12 and Its Antibacterial Activity
Dipak Paul and Sankar Narayan Sinha

Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity of Fruit Extracts of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schum & Thonn) Taubert

Jane T.N. Okoli, Matthias O. Agbo  and Ikechukwu F. Ukekwe

Effect of Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-graecum) on Ethylene Glycol Induced Kidney Stone in Rats

Mudhir S. Shekha, Abbas B. Qadir, Haval H. Ali and Xebat E. Selim

Effect of Probiotic Hummus on Blood Lipids of Rats

Narmeen J. AL-Awwad, Hamed R. Takruri and Mohammad I. Yamani

Effect of Various Levels of Raw Citrullus lanatus Seed Meal Diets on Growth Performance of Cyprinus carpio Fingerlings

Lateef O. Tiamiyu, Victoria O. Ayuba , Victor  T. Okomoda and Sadiq Umar

Antioxidant Profile of Saliva among Young Men Using Mobile Phones

Khalid M. Abu Khadra, Ahmad M. Khalil, Mahmoud Abu Samak and Ahmad Aljaberi

Serum Enzymes as a Result of Azadirachta indica Extract Injection to African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)

Jessa E. Ochuko, Kori-Siakpere Ovie and Ikhojie I. Faith

Bile Synthesis Peculiarities Following Changes in the Functional State of the Endothelin Receptors

Nadiia StanislavovnaVeselska, Sepideh Parchami Ghazaee, Petro Ivanovich Yanchuk and  Nikolai Yukhimovich Makarchuk

A New Record of Cephalaria paphlagonica Bobrov (Dipsacaceae) for the Iraqi Flora

Abdullah Sh. Sardar

Ipomoea Muelleri Benth. (Convolvulaceae) – a new record for Asian Continent

Sarvalingam Ariyan, Rajendran Arumugam, Sivalingam Ramamoorthy and Jayanthi Palanisamy



